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We are currently in the middle of a generational change in HR. According to the World Economic Forum, as many as 375 million people will need to be reskilled by 2025.
But a skills-based approach isn’t bought off the shelf. It isn’t one size fits all. Each role is different. Each industry is different. Each company is different.
To stay at the forefront, HR leaders need a deep understanding of talent in the context of work, but unfortunately too many of us are reliant on processes, systems and procedures that were built for a world that is drastically different from the one we are facing today.
To empower HR to take the lead, in this webinar we’ll discuss how to reframe and rethink our approaches to planning and predicting future needs, looking at:
How the evolution of HR has pivoted to talent and skills.
The strategies needed to gain a dynamic understanding of all your talent in the context of work.
The impact talent-centered design will have on your entire workforce.