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Traditional performance management models that revolve around annual appraisals are no longer effective. Research has shown that annual appraisals are inefficient, inaccurate, and rigid leading to demotivated employees. Do you know anyone that enjoys an end of year appraisal?
In this webinar we will explore the concept of continuous performance management including real-time feedback, regular check-ins, and agile goals and why it’s a more successful alternative to an annual cycle. Learn how your organisation can reap the benefits of engaged employees and improved retention by ensuring your people having a stronger connection to their work.
We'll also share change management best practice, providing insight into how to successfully implement the cultural change. Our experts will share tips for making the transition, including setting expectations, communicating the changes, and training managers and employees to embrace the new approach. Gaining buy-in is the most important aspect for ensuring success!
Join us to learn how you can unlock the benefits of continuous performance management and build a culture of growth and development that benefits everyone involved.