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The 2:1 grade requirement has hit the news recently as businesses look to revamp their Early Careers’ hiring strategy; viewed as unfit for purpose, some companies are doing away with grade requirements whatsoever.
Most of us understand why this is a trend, but how many of us know exactly what we should be doing instead and how much work this involves?
Companies making the leap are utilising entry-level talent’s most powerful resource: potential. Hiring for potential can identify talent destined for long-term success and a better culture fit for your organisation.
This webinar will outline the practical and incremental steps you can take to implement potential-based hiring in your recruitment process, and the mindset shifts to build with stakeholders in your organisation to achieve this.
There will be an opportunity to:
Hear from experts why companies should be ditching the 2:1 requirement and the impact this could have on your business
Learn best practices for identifying potential in Early Careers talent and the tools to get you there
Dig deeper into why potential is a critical tool for recession-proofing and tackling the skills shortage
Arctic Shores’ Federica Rusmini, Head of Customer Success, will also be joining the conversation to give insight into how the right toolkit for potential-based hiring creates authentic engagement from candidates, leads to diverse talent pools and ensures your process is reliable, scalable and has quantifiable data.