The big exodus – top tips to retain your in-house talent
Thursday, 4th November 2021
11:00am - 12:00pm GMT

Employee turnover costs range from 25% to 213% of annual salary, depending on the position and have doubled in the last 10 years (Work Institute, 2019).

Additionally, a 2020 retention report by the Work Institute analysed over 233,000 exit interviews and found that over 75% of the reasons employees leave their jobs are preventable.

Not only does high turnover cost businesses time and money to recruit, train, develop and integrate a new staff member into a team, but did you also know that high employee turnover lowers morale for existing employees?

In this webinar, we offer practical insights into the pain points of employee management, and in particular on how to retain your talent. Join our specialists as they discuss:

  • Why individuals leave an organisation vs why they stay

  • The benefits of having a proactive retention strategy instead of a reactive one

  • The importance of the manager-employee relationship for retaining people

  • The impact universal retention strategies geared around the majority can have on minority groups

  • 5 key steps you can take to retain and engage your workforce

This webinar is for HR professionals that want to understand attrition and how to develop a strategy to retain and engage their employees.

Arianna McMechan
Arianna McMechan
Specialist Research Psychologist
Thomas International
Dan Jarvis
Dan Jarvis
Technical and Business Development Manager
This session is available on demand.
Register to watch now.

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Thomas is your all-in-one people platform, giving you and your employees a greater understanding of yourselves. We’ve spent the past 40 years developing our world-renowned people science that helps you, your teams and your business thrive and we’ve empowered millions of people around the world to better understand themselves and each other . We’re Thomas. We love people, and we want your people to love working with you. Come chat to us or book a demo so we can show you how it all works.

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