37% of working parents regularly feel overwhelmed thanks to juggling having children with a career. And, if the time commitment wasn't enough, thanks to the rising cost of living, so many parents feel financial strain or pressure to support their families - which is impacting their day to day decision making.
Nearly 46% of parents say that they have had to rely on some form of debt, or they have had to withdraw money from their savings to pay for childcare and a huge 23.5% of mothers are considering leaving the workforce due to childcare costs or availability.
What can employers and HR teams do to support mothers and fathers as they navigate work life whilst having children? Join Octopus Money, Koru Kids, Nugget Savings and Amicable as we explore:
The financial stresses of children on new parents
Co-parenting, divorce and how that can impact work performance
The impact of childcare on families
How employers can support parents through all life stages